To add devices and links to the UVexplorer map, go to the 'Discovery' tab and select 'Manual Devices':
Select the 'Add...' button and add the 'Name', 'IP Address" (required) and other details you'd like to include:
Add interfaces to the manual device by selecting the "Interfaces" tab and click the blue circle plus on the bottom left of the screen:
Enter the interface number and other details, then click "Save":
QUICK TIP: To add a high volume of interfaces, select the "Bulk Add..." button and select the number of interfaces (8):
Then click "Save" to add the manual device to the inventory. Select "Yes" at the confirm prompt:
Now select "Add to..." to add the manual device to the current discovery:
UVexplorer will confirm you want to add the manual device to the discovery. Select "Yes" and click "Close":
The manual device will now be added to the map:
To manually add links to the device, right click the device and select "Link to...":
Browse to the device you'd like to connect it to, and the interfaces on both devices:
Then click on Manual Links in the Discovery tab:
This will allow you to select the manual link to add and select "Add...":
The manual link will now be added to the two devices:
If there are any issues viewing manual devices or manual links, save the current discovery and reopen it.
For additional support or questions, please contact the Support Team at