For the transfer of your UVexplorer data from one system to a new system, please follow these steps:

1. Deactivate your license on the current server.  (You will see that option on the "Getting Started" screen in the lower left)

2. Stop all the UVexplorer services.  (UVexplorer Discovery Service, UVexplorer Monitor Service, and PRTG UVexplorer Service - if installed)

3. Go to the C:\\ProgramData\UVnetworks\UVexplorer\2.0 directory on the server.

4. Copy the "uvexplorer.sqlite" file found there.

The "uvexplorer.sqlite" file will need to be placed on your new server. (in the same C:\\ProgramData\UVnetworks\UVexplorer\2.0 directory)

5. Next install UVexplorer on the new server.

6. Stop all the UVexplorer services on the new machine

7. Place the "uvexplorer.sqlite" in the ProgramData directory.

8. Restart the UVexplorer services

9. Activate the UVexplorer product using the product deactivated in step 1.

UVexplorer is now installed on the new system with all of your data.