UVexplorer Server uses agents to discover network data and post the data up to UVexplorer Server for consolidation and viewing. If you require many agents in your UVexplorer Server deployment, it can be very labor intensive to install the agents manually. To make agent deployment easier, we provide the ability to perform scripted installations of agents.
Scripted agent installation is typically done as follows:
1. Download the zip file containing the agent installer.
2. Create a text file specifying all required installation parameters.
3. Write a Powershell script that performs the following steps:
a. Create an empty folder on the target agent machine.
b. Copy the installer zip file to the new folder on the target machine and unzip it.
c. Copy the installation parameters text file to the target machine.
d. Run the installer on the target machine, passing it the installation parameters text file.
The attached PDF file contains detailed instructions on how to perform these steps.